But honestly, do you ever REALLY get to feel ready, or like you didn’t forget something?
I’m missing a few things. One being pretty darn fundamental – my visa. I applied on Monday, which meant 2x3.5 hour train ride and 800kr, for roughly 1 hour in Copenhagen, and have not yet received it. I have approximately 2 days left to receive it – I’m flying on Tuesday!
As mentioned, I still need to pack. Won’t need a whole lot though, other than some basic clothing and my school stuff.
No videos yet! Still mustering up the courage. I probably won’t get my bum in gear before I actually place my feet in Japan-land.
On a completely different note, I’ve mentioned that there are some people in Japan, Kyushu to be exact, but then it struck me: “What if they’ve moved?!”
GO RESEARCH! They own a café which would make it reasonable to assume they may have a mention or two on the network of all-and-eternal-knowledge (aka the internet). After a few minutes, I did find a blog with them mentioned, I wrote the owner, getting the message I wished for – they still live there.
So when I arrive in Japan, I can look forward to either yet another plane ride or a nice, long train ride. Ohyay..!
SO! Next blog post may be written on the plane – as I likely won’t have much of anything else to do – or on my way to Kyushu.
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