Monday, March 11, 2013

Packing strategies and the airplane dresscode

Fear mah drawing skillz!!! (And no, I don’t own a purple couch, nor are the walls really blue…)

Fear mah drawing skillz!

It’s 6.22 8.44 9.25 10.55pm, Sunday evening night. I leave for Copenhagen in [add.: much] less than 24 hours, and I’m not even close to done packing – I keep procrastinating; and I do it well, hence the strikeouts!
I sent my dad off fishing yesterday, and would you know what one of the last things he said to me, before he left?

”Make sure you get done packing early, so you have plenty of time to think of what you may have forgotten!”

He said that because he knows the pain of not doing so, all too well…

And yet, here I am, not at all done. But that’s really me in a nutshell.
I’d like to defend myself, though – I have a checklist! That’s more than he did!

At first I didn’t really know whether to pack in a suitcase (on wheels) or a backpack, but then I thought of all the stairs in Japan… and then I thought of the impracticality of carrying a suitcase up those 348929386 stairs, versus swinging a backpack over your shoulder. Needless to say, I ended up going with the backpack.

I’m not an organized packer, but one thing I do know: Put all the crap you’re not very likely to use early on where it’s hardest to get, put your underwear and socks in smaller pockets, away from all the other junk you have, and try to fold your clothes rather than just stuffing them down wherever they fit.
I know – I’m that refined of a packer.

Then we get to dressing. I don’t care about clothes. Like… at all! I buy around 2-5 pieces of clothes a year, if that much, and I haven’t invested in anything but a pair of shoes since August (and not a flying fudge is given!).
But dressing for many hours of transport can be tricky – especially when you travel between two places that are so different in temperature.
Take Denmark – today’s it’s been snowing. The Weather Gods obviously missed the fact that’s it’s almost mid-March, and supposedly SPRING!


But hey, why would I care – I’m leaving for ~15degC (that’s ~60degF for you… who… use that. Americans+!)
- Back to clothing!
Clothing brings me a few issues. One being that I don’t wear girly clothes – unless it’s distastefully funny!
Adding that to my short hair and generally-not-very-feminine outer, I’ve proven easily mistaken for a guy, which, honestly, isn’t something I exactly seek nor enjoy. I have my pride! Thus, I quickly ditched my checkered shirt for my Hello Kitty-knit, as when traveling in a plane for 10+ hours, you do NOT want to be overly hot or freeze. Should a change in body temperature occur, you’d want to be able to take off a layer. Getting sweaty and stinky just ain’t no fun for the people stuck sitting next to you… am I rite?

I’m cold by nature. “A cold body means you have a warm heart” – ohdatsosweet! - but a friggin’ pain a certain place!
Being cold on an airplane is not cool (*BOOM!* Pun right in ya face!), so make sure you wear warm socks. Unless you wear boots. But you shouldn’t wear boots, as boots tend to make your feet stinky. That makes it impossible to take off your boots in public – at least, it should – and that sucks if you’re stuck on a plane for 10 hours, which you are, if you’re going to a place like Japan! Well, that is unless you’re from China or Korea or whatnot, but then you might not worry about clima change or… I digress!

That’s it for this in-reality-not-very-informative post. Tuesday I’ll probably be back with another one on goodbyes, and the post after that will be from Japan. With pictures. I promise!

And now, back to packing my backpack *BOOM! another one!), unless I stupid enough to stay up and freak myself out watching TV-shows on paranormal experiences…


  1. I hope you got your packing done! :-) I am really looking forward to the pictures and your posts ;-) and btw nice painting of your self ;-) but where is your nose? :-P
    Have a nice 10 hours flight-trip ^_^
    - Ramanan

    1. Pfft! Ain't done yet!
      My nose didn't wanna participate, so I left it out.
