Monday, February 18, 2013

Preparing for a long travel

準備, in Japanese. That's what I'm not doing quite as much of as I should at this time, semester starting on March 26th. I even have planned to stop by Kyushu before that, and I haven't even ordered plane tickets. Why? -Because I don't have a visa yet. -Why? Because I haven't received my Certificate of Eligibility. Why? -... Do you really want me to go on about that?

Currently waiting for my CEO, which should arrive during this week, I've finally settled on a blogname and a design... at least until I change my mind, which is sort of unlikely to happen.

I'm also waiting for blood test results, making sure I'm not in risk of snatching up nasty diseases; something Kanda (my Japanese university) requires. Once I have those, more paperwork will be out of the way, and I'm one step closer to departure. OHGAWD DO I WANT TO LEAVE ASAP...

What I do lately is pretty limited; I visit message boards, I walk the dogs, I read the one chapter and watch the two new episodes of the manga and anime I follow, I train, I listen to and transcribe Japanese, and I practice kanji.

I still need to get a flex tripod for my camera, so I don't have to rely on having a level place to put my camera, should I happen to decide upon actually making a video... I don't really do well with videos...


  1. Just wanted to let you that the banner at the top of your blog is awesome!

    1. Ha, thank you!
      Actually, I think it's a little dull and dark. I'm thinking of changing it
